Author: Cindy Sams

You just can't hide it. You can't run from it. It will show up. You can try to dodge it by hiding behind others (I used to hide behind my kids), you can opt out altogether, but they say 1000 words. Pictures.  (and dare I add: clothing. That...

This. Kitchen. Would. Make. Me. Crazy. Do you ever feel a little "off" when things are a disorganized mess? Papers piling up in your office. Clothes laying around? The kitchen, yikes, like this one? It can be...

Apparently it's very common. I can only shake my head. I don't get it. I don't know about you, but I am not a fan of tossing my money out there and not getting some benefit out of it. I mean seriously, I pay my heat...

I am a firm believer that your body knows how to be healthy and what we put inside it determines our level of cellular health, inflammation, body fat, how we age, look and feel. There are a lot of people walking around not feeling their best:...

New you? Why? What's wrong with the old one? Why do we do that year after year? I get maybe you'll need or want a little tweak here or a little personal growth there, but a whole new you? Most of us don't need to go...

So Long 2019! See ya! Adios! Ciao! We are coming into December 2019 quickly! How did it go over these past months? Did you make it happen? Get it done? Meet the mark? If not, please do not beat yourself up about it. Instead, sit for a second...

Reality Check. Are you sick and tired of not actually getting results? Are you truly ready to commit to yourself, your body and health? Is your YES big? Why, what and how are fabulous questions to ask yourself. And then, keep asking over and over. Question: What...

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