Jump! Your net is here.

Jump! Your net is here.

Over the years I have noticed a pattern in people.

The ponderer: (gosh, wouldn’t it be nice to lose this excess body fat and get healthy again? hmmm…)

The procrastinator: (those that think it to the point of overwhelm and then… poof! Excuses take hold)

The doer: (those that want it so badly that they are ready to just go for it and do what needs to be done)

Which one are you?

I know which one I am. I’ve always been a doer — a jumper.

Being a doer means you do things NOW.

Now means you want it bad. It means you’re ready. You are determined to make it happen.  Right NOW can be scary for some. It holds you accountable. Now is real.

On the other side are those who are just “waiting” until next year. After all the holidays and hoopla. Waiting until after the kids get back in school. After they lose some weight. Always after something.

But what if by the time the fall rolls around you can be down a minimum of 25 pounds, have great energy, sleep better, and go into the winter months maintaining great results?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful NOT to have ‘weight loss’ as your new year resolution for once?

To many, waiting makes no sense. You see, the gyms are open now. They are open during the holidays. The gyms are packed. Is the problem that you simply don’t know what to do once you’re inside there?  It’s extremely common you know. Are you still struggling with how to eat food in order to lose fat, have rockin’ energy, and keep it off? We make it super simple and very logical here!

You’ll start your journey of losing weight and getting results when you start now.

Right now creates a sense of urgency, accomplishment and a feeling of pride in yourself. You’ve made a decision!  One that will mean a great deal once you start. It means you are in motion and action creates great things!

So, what to do with all this, now that you are ready for your now? Why you jump of course!

JUMP! Your Net Is Here!    Now works. Now rocks. Don’t wait until…. after.  I have a few spots opening up soon so grab ’em while they’re hot!

Blue skies, Cindy

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