How Badly Do You Want It?

How Badly Do You Want It?

Health, Weight Loss. Well-Being. Aging Well. Strength. Feeling Great.

Why is the struggle STILL going on out there? Hmmm…

I’ve never held back on the information and knowledge attained over the years that has fully healed my body and helped me maintain my weight for over 20 years. I’ve helped 1000’s of others do this as well for that long.

My passion is helping you with your health and weight loss endearvors and sharing my gifts, talents, knowledge and experience. Most clients don’t feel good when they start and they’ve tried a million other things to no avail.

However, as they progress through their course, their whole spirit and body lights up with vibrancy again as they begin to implement the things I share.  My passion in YOUR health is contagious, but I cannot want it more for you than YOU do. So?  How badly do you actually want it? Let’s get you fired up!

I help clients in many different areas such as lowering body inflammation and getting rid of ‘pains’, postural fixes, weight/fat loss, getting the body strong with safe, effective strength training, and of course understanding how nutrition works inside the body. (you know… that quality of life thing!)  Helping someone change their life and health for the better by sharing this information and passion is pretty gratifying.

When you work on the body it affects the mind and spirit — and I believe, all three are deeply connected. Pretty much all of my passions tie in around the psychology, human nature of ‘weight loss’ and healing the amazing body! You only have one and when you get honest and realize  your daily habits are what make it or break it, you get serious about it. If you don’t, who will? Taking accountability is empowering. Knowledge and results are what solidify it all.

It brings me great joy when my clients tell me how awesome they feel with eating correctly, or how they are experiencing health changes. Their bodies change for the better as they progress. They become strong, have better posture, sleep better, lean out, have massive energy and feel great!

I don’t give them a pill, shake or bar to get them thin or have energy. We don’t do ‘products’ here!

I just teach them the ‘how to’ stuff with honest, easy to implement nutrition and how their body works and in turn, that empowers them to be self-sufficient to go on their own. THEY now have the same knowledge and skills (read: confidence) and have seen the results of their time spent here. How can THAT not affect your mind and spirit right?  Yea, it’s pretty cool, and I am rather passionate about it.

Your muscles need to be stressed with added weight for them to get sleek and shapely.  Quite frankly, it’s not going to happen if you are not lifting correctly and learning different exercises for each muscle group. I’ve seen plenty of people over the years throwing weights around and jumping around in classes and running like crazy on a treadmill – to no avail. Nothing changes.  What gives?

It’s simple. The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism. As you shed body fat, they become your fat burners. Lifting also makes your bones stronger, your muscles tighter and holds up your skeletal system. Lifting weights slims your thighs, butt, arms, back — it stops the wiggle and the jiggle.

BUT! You cannot ‘out-exercise’ the fork/kitchen!  You MUST learn proper nutrition and understand it. THAT is the only way to lose fat, lower inflammation, heal and repair the damage of excessive fat on the body that doesn’t belong there. If you don’t learn that, you’ll just stay in the forever spin of yo-yoing and frustration.

Your body doesn’t care how you ‘feel’ about food! It needs what it needs and unfortunately most are missing the mark. Many people come to me after seeing a ‘nutritionist’ but they finally find results with my Eating Guide.

It’s SO fulfilling when a person lights up from learning this stuff I share. Their “ah ha” bulb goes ding, ding, ding – I get it!  Please read some of my wonderful clients google reviews and their experiences.

I am just a phone call away and YOU are just a few months out from getting your body, mind and spirit in a rockin’ state of health and wellness.  It all starts with a phone call after checking out my website, choosing a course and setting up your fitness assessment. We will ‘lock in’ your needed times on my calendar and begin. I work back to back with my clients, so it’s first come, first serve. (I also have a couple of specials going through the month of July!)

Hugs and blue skies,


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