13 Nov Host With the Most!
“Host” Health is everything. The terrain inside of your body is everything.
Are you still treating your body as though it’s a trashcan?
Are you still feeding it all things processed, chemically laden fake products?
Your eating habits and what you consume will hurt ALL functions in your body in every way possible — and slowly, yet assuredly deteriorate it.
So ask yourself: what exactly am I eating? How and when am I eating? What exactly are my daily habits?
Your health, wellness and aging beautifully is COMPLETELY in your control. Nearly everyone seems to be wanting it. Why is it so hard to attain and maintain for some?
I USED TO be fat, sick, exhausted, and slowly killing myself with my bad habits. I share my past with my clients to help them understand when they fall short and start to ‘kick themselves.’ I make sure they do NOT stay in their heads with that nonsense. Let it go, get back on track. When we talk about it, I help them realize they still did better than before starting with me and to me, that’s a win. They usually don’t make the same mistake when out on their own.
I USED TO have: autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis, adrenal fatigue, bad skin, bad hair, insomnia, foggy brain, epstein barr, bloating, pain, leaky gut, IBS, massive cellular inflammation, parasite, heavy metal and gut yeast overload.
I used to be every single one of my clients that walk in my door.
I did not go to any ‘doctor’ to HEAL these things going wrong inside of my body. I realized that I was doing it to myself with my horrifying habits of what I was putting into it. I had to truly learn to love and respect myself again enough to stop treating it like a trashcan.
I healed because of what I ate, when I ate along with a POWERFUL little yellow supplement I was putting inside of me that lowered and healed my cellular inflammation, along with proper exercising. Then, I learned how to detox, and why we absolutely need to daily!
Yowza, talk about the grass being greener over on the healthy side…. it really is!
NOW, I am the ‘healer’ and get to help others who truly want this as well.
(this is NO sales pitch. You take ownership of YOUR HEALTH. I wanted mine so bad — and attained it. I did what needed to be done. Many ‘say’ they do, but refuse to stay on track.)
Most people go about ‘weight loss’ incorrectly. The folks that think they know how to eat and workout are usually the ones who realize after they start that they weren’t in fact and they are blown away by what they achieve and learn.
My advice is to get off of ALL fads, products and devices that ‘help you lose fat and get healthy.’ Oh, be assured – I tried them back in the day. THEY DON’T WORK. They never will, and they are pricey. They are non-sustainable for a lifetime of health.
If you are not ready to take accountability for yourself (that’s what I call “quit the bs”), and put in the time, to release fat, inches and actually GET HEALTHY with what you feed your body and your family, then don’t expect to be healthy and age well.
Be a better HOST to your body!
Eating pizza every week, donuts, cookies, cakes, chips, crackers, and everything cheese cheese cheese creates a fiery dumpster fire inside of you!! This will keep a body fat, sluggish and miserable. It’s not worth it. It’s not rocket science and we all know it.
The fact that I and so many of my family, friends and clients have come out of this horrifying cycle of self-induced madness is in fact proof that you can too. You just have to make some necessary changes.
Yes, you need to stop the dangerous habits BUT you also need to incorporate the GOOD ones that will heal and repair your body and finally help your body to release fat and heal.
I have three spots coming up ready to be filled at this time and as always, first come first serve.
My clients have fun while learning and getting their results every month. When beginning their course, usually they lose 4-8 pounds on the scale in their FIRST WEEK!
Most thankfully, dig in, learn, ask questions, are honest with themselves and their triggers and quirks when it comes to food, weight loss, etc… lots of love and support here for ya peeps — I GET IT. But you have to want it.
Sometimes I have to push, pull and lovingly drag them to the finish line, (it comes from a fun, happy place, not disparaging) and I will always share everything in my vault of knowledge with everyone who wants it.
No one can want it more for you than you do.
I already did the work in the beginning of my journey and took the time to get the health I have today. I’m never going back to fat, sick and tired!
You have to do your work. But once in maintenance… it’s a JOY RIDE!
Habits need to be changed. When you are stronger, shed fat, heal the body, vibrant with energy – you are a MORE JOY-FILLED person! That healthier lifestyle and the choices you make suit you much better to deal with the onslaught of life stresses.
Check out google and yelp reviews as well as my facebook page “Full-Body Fitness” for lots of before/after shots as my clients’ progress as well as some other fun information.
Hugs and blue skies!
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