07 Jul Kick ‘Em To The Curb – 3 Excuses That Must GO!
I love working out. Don’t you? I love the way it makes me look, but more importantly, feel. Strong, full of energy, like I just conquered something awesome! Some people think I’m silly when I say that I love when my muscles are deliciously sore. They sometimes have a different word for it other than love — at least in the beginning!
However, I’ve found that when they are finished with their workouts and their weight loss course is over, that their whole demeanor has changed to: “Wow! I love my arms, butt, energy, etc. I feel great!”
Now THAT is joyful to me. Personal empowerment is the bomb.
Once in a blue moon, I have found myself making excuses to not get to the gym. However, only when that “blue moon” shines. I’ll be honest and tell you I’ve gone as far as driving to the gym, around the parking lot and back out again to go do whatever it is I told myself was more important than working out. (it only happens maybe twice a year if that!) Yes, moi, a professed lover of lifting weights and endorphin junkie! Is that silly or what?
The trick is – I don’t beat myself up when this happens. Mainly because I know I’ll be back there the next day. I let myself have it. I teach you that empowering mindset. It’s fabulous friend, let me tell ya.
But here’s what happens sometimes. We let those days become weeks, then months and then poof! Years fly by and things get worse. We become our own worst enemy by berating ourselves in our minds. I always like to say, the best time to start anything is – right – now! Now is also best time to stop something not great for you.
Let’s take a look at what I’ve found to be the top three excuses people tell themselves — and then, let’s kick ’em to the curb!
No Time.
Time is time. It’s always there. What you do with yours is up to you. We all get the same amount each day. So? How are you spending your time? My biggest pet peeve is when I ask someone what’s going on and they give me an immediate run down on how busy they are – like they are vying for first prize for it. Like their busy is SO much more busy than the rest of the worlds busy. Do you get that with people sometimes?
One of my favorite Jim Rohn sayings is this:
“The same wind blows on us all. The economic wind, the social wind, the political wind.The same wind blows on everybody. The difference in where you arrive in one year, three years, five years, the difference in arrival is not the blowing of the wind but the set of the sail.”
Are your sails set? Think about some time wasters. Do you sleep in, pressing the snooze for 15-30 minutes before finally dragging yourself from your bed? Do you hang out on the couch every night watching “must see” t.v. for hours? Do you face plant it into your laptop staring into the world of Facebook and can’t peel yourself away? And we call these things relaxing… but could they indeed be time stealers?
I promise you nearly everyone on earth has done these things at one point or another in their life. It amazes me when I catch myself wasting time away. Please know that wasting time and relaxing are two completely different things. Get me to a BEACH – I’ll show you relaxing honey!
I believe the absolute truth of the matter is this: When your desire for something is great enough, you will always find the necessary time to accomplish it. Let’s take for instance, losing the excess weight and getting healthy and fit. What people hear when someone in their life says or keeps saying “I don’t have time” is that it is simply not an important priority at this time. That’s all. And that’s fine, but own up to it if that’s the case. Because I assure you, if it was a strong enough desire, you’d make it a priority and the time would show up. Funny how that works.
So, take a look at the time you find yourself wasting. Can you find yours? I certainly know where mine is. (my eyebrows are raised extremely high at the moment and I am grateful I’m typing! See!? No excuses here… ha!)
I Can’t Afford It.
Paying someone to help you learn the skills, and implement them to lose unhealthy weight, and get your health back is a LOT less expensive than being overweight and in poor health. It’s also way less expensive than the latest “miracle” juice/powder/shake/wrap/pill.
$60 BILLION a year (I think it’s more) is spent on weight loss products and gym memberships. 67% of people with gym memberships never use them. What a gigantic waste of money.
You’d think, that being in the fitness arena and specializing in weight loss specifically, that I would be all over these products. I’ve never gotten on any of the bandwagons because most products are, at best, temporary fixes and teach a person nothing. (aka: crutch) And holy cow – they will cost you! A whopping $100 to $300 a month, sometimes more!
If you can lose unhealthy fat and get your fantastic health back without this cost – it’s worth putting it aside.
Your body is an incredible complexity of cells and energy and it already knows how to work for its own good – you just have to teach it or relearn simple things.
Good heavens, while some of these products may or may not help you shed a few pounds briefly, you will never-ever get strong, toned muscles or train your body to become the natural fat burner it is by taking an expensive product that is at best, a temporary fix. P.E.R.I.O.D. Every single one of them has a disclaimer stating that “results may vary,” “based on regular workouts and eating right” and other things of that nature. Well duh.
I will guarantee you that those who lose weight on products like these are kicking it HARD at the gym regularly and have changed their eating habits. Why not simply start there and see where you end up without all the fads and gadgets?
My point is that it would seem that your money would be better spent hiring someone who is an expert in that field. What you’re walking away with when you invest in yourself are Results, Skills, Tools and established Habits that created said results! You walk away with your good health and fitness that you can take with you into any gym in the world.
By incorporating workouts and a healthier eating schedule you can literally help lower your blood sugars, high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, high cholesterol and many other diseases.
I promise you, you do not need a product to make yourself eat less or stop drinking soda or eating dinner a little earlier. You have it in you to do that all on your own for the whopping price of $0.00.
I’m Too Tired.
If you are over 25 years old, you’ve probably noticed that things have or are changing on your body. Sorry.
Our bodies are naturally made to work. But we sit at desks or in cars or at home and don’t move. Think about how people used to live. They had to cut down trees and build their own homes, they had to go kill their own food – every single day. They had to drag laundry down to a river and then drag it back heavy and wet to hang it up outside somewhere. Whew! I’m pooped just thinking about it, and yet, kind of invigorated! Not many people out of shape back in the day I’d imagine. Their bodies were tired but it was a healthy, productive tired.
When you eat the ‘right’ way, you can rev up your metabolism to burn body fat for fuel. You can lose weight by eating correctly. Eating the right things, in the right amounts at the right times gives you energy! You can gain energy naturally by going outside for a brisk 10 minute walk as well.
You see, there are these magic little things called hormones in our body that produce endorphins and raise other important hormones when you strength train. Why is strength training and learning how to train your body to work how it was made to work so important? Because: A decrease in lean muscle tissue does not just make you weaker, it lowers your metabolism.
So in the afternoons, when you’re feeling sluggish, eat a healthy snack and go for a brisk walk for ten minutes and make sure you’ve been hydrating with lots of water all day. Get up and stretch and dance around for one full minute! You are a mass of energy! Get up and move it around.
Get to your workout before, during or after your work day. You may have to drag yourself to it, but you’ll be high on endorphins when you leave. Do that often enough and you’ll train your mind and body to love this habit! I promise you, you will just f e e l b e t t e r.
You cannot put a price tag on self-empowerment. It’s priceless. Kicking these excuses to the curb will change the direction of your health and wellness.
Now, get your MOVE on!
Hugs and blue skies,
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