
WOW.  What can I say. She's been a DELIGHT to help. She has accomplished so much during her two Game Changers packages!!!  We've had LOTS of giggles through it all! Here is her fantastic review she wrote:  "Cindy is an amazing personal trainer and health coach....

After her five month package she is off and running at a local gym.  She vows to keep the weight loss going until healthy maintenance - or get back in here to tweak and refine and get back on track!  She did...

Tim's Review: Cindy provides an exellent health and exercise program tailored to the person. The success you have with her program is based on your commitment and allowing Cindy to coach you to attain the goals set. You will learn proper eating habits as well...

After six months of dialing in the nutritional part, learning weights/machines and how to do cardio correctly! She feels AMAZING, STRONG, HEALTHY! Now that the fat is gone, we focus on shaping and more toning of muscles! 34.6 lbs. 15.8% of body fat, 22.25 inches - GONE!  ...

KIM!  She completed her 5 month Game Changer package with flying colors!  Down 25.6 pounds, she released 14.2% body fat (wowza!), for a total loss of 17.25 inches.  Congrats Kim! Great job and keep that engine roaring by adding a 4th day of...

Here are a handful more incredible clients! All these successes were in at least 3-6 months. Some stayed for more, some went on their own with some great skill sets, awesome results, and super confidence!...

Shannon worked hard for these results. We also had a lot of fun. Moving forward, her confidence in her results and the knowledge learned will help her in her gym. The most popular weight loss package: The Game Changer always gets great results. Down 30...

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