



Hi there! I’m a 59 year old Mom of two grown sons (Kyle and Trevor) that live in Austin, TX. I am, of course, super proud of them both! They are a lot of fun to hang out with and I miss them often. Thank goodness for facetime.


I grew up in the western suburbs of Chicago. My brother still lives there with his family. I moved to Fishers in 1995 and have lived here since.


A few hobbies of mine: Eight years ago, I started canvas painting with acrylics. Fun! Reading is another joy I am getting back to. I do not watch regular tv. at all, so hobbies, family, friends and my work are where I find my peace, fun and joy. I have a green thumb with indoor plants as well as perennial garden landscaping! My indoor plants promote clean air and are easy to care for! I am creative so I like to write as well.


I love fun adventures and outings with close friends and obviously staying active, healthy and in shape is a top favorite! That helps me enjoy all of it.


I have been told I am “authentic (raw and real), fun, positive, hard-working, non-judgmental, loyal, kind, generous, and dare I say I have a snarky, sarcastic sense of humor.”


FIRST and foremost: this is NOT what most have come to know as ‘personal training.’ It is a deeply informational knowledge sharing that gets you results that you could never have imagined for yourself.


It will help you turn your health and well-being around and begin to look and feel younger, stronger and have more vitality to get on with your days and life.


I help you finally learn and understand proper nutrition and how your body works. It is the foundation of your course. It will take ALL confusion away. More importantly, I share why what you are doing is not working in a way that will help you understand the natural functions of your body better. You will not ‘count calories’ nor be weighing your food for heaven’s sake. That is an unsustainable way to live if you ask me!


I help you release unhealthy, unwanted body fat, inches, scale weight and actually help you heal your body. Your deep and true health requires the metabolic energy in your cells and hormones to be in harmony. When your body is in ‘turmoil’ inside the cells and body in general by lifestyle choices, the result is only the further breakdown in health that leads to dysfunction, dis-ease and illness symptoms. During your course, my goal for you, is to get you your health back, get you fit and strong and feeling fabulous! When implementing the correct ways you will begin to lose the fat, inches, jiggle, low energy, slow brain, toxic intestines and all that jazz. The goal is to be EMPOWERED with knowledge and results so there is NO mistaking that it works! You will no longer be confused on the ‘how to’s.’


You’ll get off the ‘confusion bus’ when it comes to food, strength train properly from where you are at now in your abilities, and then progress you to better health and strength. We don’t do injuries here. In fact, many have found pains go away, backs stop hurting, posture gets better, sleep better, and have energy again! This happens quickly in the first week or two.


I share ‘real life, sustainable’ information and coach in a way that is down to earth, honest and, I do like to make things fun! I help you throughout your course and am easily available for questions when not in the studio with me.


Simple. I’ve been in your shoes. I have been chubby, worn out, sick, confused, irritated and embarrassed with my body and the state of my deteriorating health. I had leaky gut, IBS, SIBO, adrenal fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, insomnia, bad hair/skin, you name it. I either had it or was about to step into it! After losing the fat and getting strong lean muscles, I still had to heal. I had tried ‘traditional medicine/docs” but that never worked and made me worse.


As I built my business I met people or learned for myself many things to heal my body naturally. It took me on a long journey of healing and repair. Wow! What an amazing, valuable ride it’s been. Little by little my inflammation lowered and one thing after the other just simply – healed! Since then, for over two decades, I have shared with all my clients the tools and skills that I implemented that led me to where I am in my health today. I always tell people it is not about the scale. THAT is not what is making you miserable and sick. Changing people’s lives and health on this deeper level is so rewarding, humbling and is such a blessing.  How could I ever stop!?


My bright, clean, fully-equipped gym is in my home, and has been since the beginning. It is a private 1-1 course and I work back to back with clients. I am easily accessible in Fishers and have been helping clients throughout Hamilton County from the very beginning. Fishers, Noblesville, Carmel, Westfield, north Indianapolis and more.

It is rare I see people in a gym working out as effectively and efficiently as they could. Gym equipment is often seen as confusing and only for those in shape people. Not true. Your muscles need you to learn how to work it properly so you can age well. I love showing you exactly how to use your muscles with each piece of equipment in any gym in the world!


First things first – after you choose your course, we schedule your Fitness Assessment. It is extremely informative and beneficial to you. It’s the foundation my clients’ successes. I gather relative information about your daily habits and then give you a strong, structured plan of success with my Eating Guide. I’m with you through the whole process of lifestyle change that gets you results! Human nature tends to easily shift back into old, unhealthy habits and I regularly ‘talk people away from the ledge’ if they get confused. I set back on track. After your Fitness Assessment, the next time we meet, you begin proper strength training in my gym. All the while throughout your course I will share with you everything in my health and wellness arsenal that you wish to learn about. Ready?

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Client Testimonials / Before & Afters

Personal Training Services (But really it’s so much more than that)

Personal Training

These courses are so much more than typical personal training. You'll never do jumping jacks, burpees, flip tires, lift super heavy weights incorrectly, or any of that. Those things will get you injuries and little results. Plus it's just you and me during your time - no need to be embarrassed in a brick and mortar with people around you. Here we go deeper to the root of your current health and strength levels and build from there during your course. By the time you are finished you will know how to use all gym equipment properly, eat foods that fuel and release fat and feel the best you've ever felt. You will have the tools, skills and results that you can maintain for better quality of life!

Fitness Training

What does fitness training mean? To me and my clients it means learning how to actually BE healthy and well. Feeling great once again with sustainable, strong energy throughout their day. Sleep more soundly, which leads you to be able to go about a normal day with ease. Fitness is nutrition, muscle strength, proper posture, flexibility, vibrancy! Clients have said, ``These courses are so fully packed with ALL the things: Nutrition coach, Strength Training properly for a lean strong muscular system (which helps pain go away in: knees, back, neck, etc), Flexibility, Mindset and Motivation, non-judgement, along with a little dose of therapy to help you release some of the daily grind that might get you stuck, ultimately stop cravings, balance crazy hormones, lower inflammation, learn to detox and pull toxins from body and - a lot more! You cannot find all those professions for one hour for this price.``

Strength Training

Muscle strength is key. The body begins to lose muscle at the age of 30. Proper strength training is greatly misunderstood and here you will get strong from the ligaments, tendons and joints that are connected to the muscular system. In other words - no injuries, just terrific results! If you want your back, knees, neck and other parts to stop aching, then the muscles must be trained correctly. However, too many do not know how to do this safely or effectively. You must learn body mechanics and how to even flex a muscle. You will learn all of this and most importantly, get results throughout your course. By the time you finish you will have learned how to strength train productively and not just jump around and sweat. All that crazy gym equipment that seems so confusing - will make sense. Ready to get strong and age well? Let's begin!

Health Coaching

When I think about health, I think about how sick I was when I was unhealthy and miserable. All those autoimmune issues that held me in constant turmoil. It was expensive and exhausting - not to mention dangerous for vibrant longevity and aging. It takes time to get your health back. If you are truly interested in your health, in every sense of the word, these courses and all that is shared with you are where you begin. So many of my clients come in bloated, miserable with the light in their eyes dimmed. My favorite thing is helping them get it to shine again! If I along with so many others can 'make dis-eases and pains go away' then so can you. Patience, determination, perseverance is what you will need, along with a great sense of humor and some grace. I will help you learn and understand the how to's throughout your course. Unlike most ‘fad’ diets, true health coaching should focus on balancing hormonal and metabolic disorders, eliminating body fat and cellular inflammation and shedding toxins that have built up over years, and finally, de-stressing the body while teaching sustainable and healthy eating for life-long results.

Nutrition Coaching

This is everything! It is the strong foundation for losing body fat and inches, sleeping better, having more energy, healing and so much more. These courses go deep into helping you learn, implement and maintain healthy nutritional habits for the rest of your life. I help you make it make sense. No fads or gimmicks. Learning what, when and why with food is how you will regain healthy metabolic function, heal insulin resistance and make your body into the fat burning engine it was made to be. You cannot out-exercise the fork! During your course you will learn how to eat delicious, healthy foods and easily prepare them so that your body will start to trust you again. The Eating Guide you receive is extremely strategic right from the get go to help the body get into a “fat burning metabolism”. When you commit to it, your results are quick and exciting. The very first week you will begin to notice great things happening. Our goal during your course is to implement the right choices into a lifestyle that not only gets you the body you've been desiring to have, but how to maintain it for life. Thinking long-term health, strength, flexibility and aging well. Quality of life is everything. Ready? Let's get you started.

Weight Loss Coaching

Isn't it funny how the 'scale' is made out to be the bad guy? True 'weight loss' is not about the SCALE. The scale is the result. I help my clients understand that the scale is not why they are over weight and unhealthy. Our focus is getting the fat and inches off. This in turn lowers inflammation inside the body. When the body is in constant protective mode with the food and drinks consumed, it will not release fat. I help you focus on the reasons why the scale is telling you that story, and, what to do to make it go down. We don't focus on the scale here. We focus on learning habits that release fat and inches and get health back. Until that happens, it makes sense that the scale doesn't matter in the beginning! It's not the culprit. Here you will get monthly results. There is nothing more fun than my clients telling me they are shrinking into smaller sizes and feel amazing and strong. These 'Weight Loss' courses get you your results.

Motivation & Mindset

Getting noticeable results every month is rather motivating don't you think? The information in these courses that are shared with you, helps you change prior beliefs that did not benefit you. I have a way of saying things that helps you see things in a more logical, common-sense way where you can shift out of limiting beliefs. I make it fun. I share my past habits that destroyed my body. I keep it real, but kindly help with thinking more productively and positively about your successes as we progress through the course.

Benefits of Working with Cindy

20+ Years as a Personal Trainer & Nutritional Coach

Services Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, Zionsville, & Northside Indianapolis

Rated #1 Best Nutrition & Weight Loss Fitness Course

1:1 Sessions in a Clean, Private Gym

Achieve Monthly Results in Your Fitness Goals You Never Believed Were Possible!

Call Today: 317-250-4848

Email Us At: cindy@fbfitness.com

Finally Get the Results You Desire!

    Please fill out the contact form below to discuss your goals with Cindy!

    Training Packages


    Free Trial









    $83 / Hr


    2 Month Course

    24 sessions, @ 1 Hour, (THREE x Per Week)

    Standard Rate: $95 - However, now reduced for you to begin your journey! 

    Fitness Assessment

    Nutritional Guidance to help release body fat throughout course

     Strength Training: Learn to build from the inside out with zero injuries

    Weight Loss Course (and so much more)

    Sign up for 3 months and save - with longer lasting results!


    This is to simply begin to establish the correct, healthy habits in nutrition and building strength to age well.

    ONLY $69/ Hr


    3 Month Course

    36 sessions, @ 1 Hour, (THREE x Per Week)

    Reduced Rate of $69/hr. You SAVE more and get better results

    Fitness Assessment

    Indepth Daily Nutritional Guidance, for releasing fat and gaining Health, Strength, Flexibility and  More!

    Results Driven Strength Training

    Weight Loss Course - Terrific Monthly Results - Invest in Yourself

    Monthly Progress Tracking

    Great Savings! $2495 - Most Start Here!

    Great Savings! Get solid, monthly results on this 3 month course. Great if you have 15-25 lbs. to release. 

    ONLY $58/ Hr


    5 Month Course

    60 sessions, @ 1 Hour, (THREE x Per Week)

    Incredibly Reduced Rate of $58/hr. - helps you establish habits and lifestyle 

    Fitness Assessment

    Indepth Daily Nutritional Guidance, for releasing fat and gaining Health, Strength, Flexibility and More!

    Results Driven Strength Training

    Weight Loss Course - Outstanding Monthly Results - Invest in Yourself!

    Monthly Progress Tracking

    Massive Savings! $3495, breaks down to you saving more to get your health back!

    This 5 month course really IS your Game Changer! Exceptional RESULTS that last. Best price! Invest in yourself! Best if you have 30 lbs. or more to release. Establishes life-long skills and results.

    Client Video Testimonials

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